What is CoolSculpting?

Introducing the non-surgical alternative to liposuction!

CoolSculpting targets unwanted fat deposits, reducing belly fat, love handles, thigh fat, double chins and fat from many other problem areas.* As the #1 Non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the US, Coolsculpting is safe, affordable, and impressively effective, with millions of treatments performed to reduce fat on both men and women who struggle with stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise. CoolSculpting is FDA cleared and is supported by numerous scientific studies that demonstrate CoolSculpting really works.

While results may vary, clinical data evaluating CoolSculpting results show, on average, a 25% fat reduction from a treatment area after a single CoolSculpting treatment

Benefits of CoolSculpting:*

  • Reduce Stubborn Fat Deposits
  • A Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction
  • FDA Cleared as Safe and effective
  • Contour and Define Musculature
  • Natural looking Results that Last
  • Painless with No Downtime*
  • Treatments affordable, quick & convenient
  • Target love handles, belly fat & more!


The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared,* non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable, and lasting—so you’ll look great from every angle.


Many of us have stubborn fat despite diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling to target and kill only these fat cells.

frozen fat cells

CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling to target and kill only these fat cells.

how CoolSculpting works freezing fat cells

CoolSculpting results are long term,* because treated fat cells are gone for good.

coolsculpting-equipment-procedureCoolSculpting reduces fat using a scientifically proven process called cryolipolysis, which exposes fat cells to controlled cooling, effectively freezing a portion of subcutaneous fat cells without harming the overlying skin or surrounding tissues.

When fat cells are frozen they undergo apoptosis, or cellular death, which triggers the body’s natural process of collecting and removing damaged or destroyed cells. The portion of fat cells frozen with CoolSculpting are eventually eliminated from the body as waste. ²


It’s easy to get started in your CoolSculpting journey to a slimmer you!

Your first step will be scheduling a FREE consultation with a River Valley Healthcare Associates CoolSculpting technician.

Want a Free Consultation? Call  (540) 835-0500  today!

Is CoolSculpting Right For Me?

CoolSculpting is intended for healthy men and women who struggle with stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise.

The best way to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is to schedule a FREE consultation with River Valley Healthcare Associates. During your complimentary consultation, our fat reduction specialist will discuss the benefits of CoolSculpting and discuss if this treatment can provide the results you are looking for.

What Areas can CoolSculpting Treat?

CoolSculpting can reduce stubborn fat deposits from nearly any place on the body. Various CoolSculpting applicators are specifically designed to match the contours of different areas of the body. Some of the most popular treatment areas reduce belly fat and flank fat, commonly known as love handles. It is a popular treatment for men wanting to reduce fat from the chest area (targeting man boobs.)

CoolSculpting can also reduce back fat and fat from under the buttocks. Beyond the abdomen and flanks, CoolSculpting can effectively reduce fat from both the legs and arms, including inner thigh fat, fat on the outer thighs, and upper arm fat. And with the latest applicator known as the CoolMini, CoolSculpting can reduce fat from smaller areas, such as submental fat, commonly known as a double chin, fat above the knees and armpit fat (bra bulge.)

CoolSculpting Near Me: Why Choose River Valley Healthcare Associates?

River Valley Healthcare Associates (RVHA) is the leading Dublin VA CoolSculpting provider and Pulaski Va Coolsculpting provider. Our aim is to help the New River Valley patients receive amazing results.

Looking for the Best CoolSculpting in Dublin, VA? Choose RVHA. As the premier Dublin VA CoolSculpting provider, River Valley Healthcare Associates we helped hundreds of men and women feel better and look slimmer with CoolSculpting.

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4079633/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26607045

*All claims are supported with scientific evidence. Results may vary.